Books and Online Sites

The following excerpt is taken from Appendix D of Childhood Leukemia: A Guide for Families, Friends, and Caregivers, 2nd Edition by Nancy Keene, copyright 1999 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. For book orders/information, call (800) 998-9938. Permission is granted to print and distribute this excerpt for noncommercial use as long as the above source is included. The information in this article is meant to educate and should not be used as an alternative for professional medical care.

Information provided in this appendix has been organized by topic. If you cannot find a book in yo ur bookstore or library, the following organizations may have copies available as well as additional resources for all age groups.

General information

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation. Bibliography and Resource Guide. 1994 with an update in 1998. (800) 366-CCCF. Extensive listing of books and articles on childhood cancer, coping skills, death and bereavement, effects on family, long-term side effects, medical support, and terminal home care. Excellent resource.

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation Canada. Resource Catalog. 1999. (800) 363-1062 (Canada only) or (416) 489-6440. Extensive listing of books, articles, and videotapes on all aspects of childhood cancer. Excellent resource.

Centering Corporation. Creative Care Package. Lists more than 300 books and videos on coping with serious illness, loss, and grief. (402) 553-1200.

Compassionate Friends. Resource Guide. Contains hundreds of books, pamphlets, videos, and audiotapes on all aspects of grief. (630) 990-0010.


Bearison, David J. They Never Want to Tell You: Children Talk About Cancer. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1991. Several children and teenagers living with cancer candidly discuss their feelings. Written by a developmental psychologist.

Bombeck, Erma. I Want to Grow Hair, I Want to Grow Up, I Want to Go to Boise. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1989. Funny, touching book about children surviving cancer. This book is out of print, but may be in your local library.

Connolly, Harry. Fighting Chance: Journeys Through Childhood Cancer. Woodholm House, 1998. Contains more than 200 pictures of patients, families, and caregivers battling childhood cancer.

Cousins, Norman. Head First: The Biology of Hope and the Healing Power of the Human Spirit. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1989. After 25 years as editor of Saturday Review, Cousins spent a decade on the medical staff of UCLA researching the biological basis for hope. He presents the mounting volume of evidence that positive attitudes help combat disease. Also contains excellent information on enhancing the doctor/patient relationship.

Dorfman, Elena. The C-Word: Teenagers and Their Families Living with Cancer. Portland, Oregon: New Sage Press, rev. ed. 1998. A cancer survivor (treated from age sixteen to eighteen) spent four years interviewing and photographing the daily lives of five teenagers with cancer and their families. This book portrays in words and powerful pictures some of the deepest emotions experienced by teens with cancer and those close to them. Four of the five teens featured have leukemia.

Johnson, Joy, and S. M. Johnson. Why Mine?: A Book for Parents Whose Child Is Seriously Ill. Omaha, Nebraska: Centering Corporation, 1981. To order, call (402) 553-1200. Quotes from parents across the country make this a valuable book for families of seriously ill children. Addresses fears, feelings, marriages, siblings, and the ill child.

Krumme, Cynthia. Having Leukemia Isn't So Bad. Of Course It Wouldn't Be My First Choice. Winchester, Massachusetts: Sargasso Enterprises, 1993. To order, call (718) 729-9037; 14 Wildwood Street, Winchester, MA 01890. Personal story of Catherine Krumme, diagnosed with leukemia at age four, relapsed at age seven, finished treatment at age ten. Catherine is now working on a master's degree in special education.

Kushner, Harold. When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Boston: G.K. Hall, rev. ed. 1997. A rabbi wrote this comforting book on how people of faith deal with catastrophic events.

Lazlo, John, MD. The Cure of Childhood Leukemia: Into the Age of Miracles. Rutgers University Press, 1996. Fascinating book that describes researchers and scientific developments that resulted in the high rate of cures for childhood leukemia.

Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Medicine. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1996. A comprehensive overview of both conventional and complementary approaches to cancer treatment, including nutritional therapies, physical therapies, psychological and spiritual approaches, traditional medicines from around the world, and methods for living with cancer. Compassionate and objective. It is also available online at

National Institute of Health. Young People with Cancer: A Handbook for Parents. 67-page booklet. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 4-CANCER. This booklet describes the different types of childhood cancer, medical procedures, dealing with the diagnosis, family issues, and sources of information.

Online sites


A guide to cancer resources on the Internet, produced by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship.

GrannyBarb and Art's Leukemia Links

The best adult /child leukemia information on the Internet. It includes leukemia-specific information, leukemia organizations, and links to useful resources such as CancerNet, PDQ, abstracts, cancer literature, Internet support groups, bone marrow transplant sites, and cord blood transplant sites.

Pediatric Oncology Resource Center

Edited by Patty Feist-Mack, this site is the best single source of information about pediatric cancers on the Internet. It contains detailed and accurate material on diseases, treatment, family issues, activism, and bereavement. It also provides links to helpful cancer sites.

Steve Dunn's CancerGuide

A great place to start when looking for information. Steve Dunn, a cancer survivor, clearly explains cancer types and staging, chemotherapy, pathology reports, and the pros and cons of researching your own cancer. He also recommends books and includes inspirational patient stories. He has links to many of the best cancer sites on the Web.

Reading for children/teens/siblings


Crary, Elizabeth. Dealing with Feelings: I'm Frustrated, I'm Mad, I'm Sad Series. Seattle: Parenting Press, 1992. Fun, game-like books to teach preschool and early elementary children how to handle feelings and solve problems.

Foss, Karen. The Problem with Hair: A Story for Children Learning about Cancer. Centering Corporation, 1996. A poem/story about a group of friends and what happens when one of them loses her hair from chemotherapy.

Hairballs on my Pillow. CARTI. P.O. Box 55050, Little Rock, AR 72215. (800) 482-8561 or (501) 664-8573. Videotape interviews children with cancer and their friends about friendship and returning to school. $35 for video and newsletters for students, exercises and activities for students, and a teacher's notebook of information about cancer and its treatment, dealing with returning students, and additional resources.

Hautzig, Deborah. A Visit to the Sesame Street Hospital. New York: Random House, 1985. Grover, his mother, Ernie, and Bert visit the Sesame Street Hospital in preparation for Grover's upcoming operation.

Krisher, Trudy. Kathy's Hats: A Story of Hope. Concept Books, 1992. (800) 255-7675. A charming book for ages five to ten about a girl whose love of hats comes in handy when chemotherapy makes her hair fall out.

Leukemia Society of America. I'm Having a Bone Marrow Transplant. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 955-4LSA. Coloring book for young children helps to explain what to expect during the BMT for any type of cancer.

Leukemia Society of America. Sam Fights Back. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 955-4LSA. A coloring and activity book to help three- to six-year-old leukemia patients learn about leukemia and discuss their feelings.

Nessim, Susan, and Barbara Wyman. Draw Me a Picture. A coloring book for children with cancer (ages three to six). Marty Bunny talks about how it was when he was in the hospital for cancer and invites readers to draw about their experiences. Send $7.45 check to Cancervive, 6500 Wilshire Blvd., #500, Los Angeles, CA 90048.

Rogers, Fred. Going to the Hospital. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1997. With pictures and words, TV's beloved Mr. Rogers helps children ages three to eight learn about hospitals.

Rogers, Fred. Some Things Change and Some Things Stay the Same. American Cancer Society. Order by calling (800) ACS-2345. Very comforting book for preschoolage children with cancer and their siblings.

Mr. Rogers Talks About Childhood Cancer. 1990. Videotapes (2), guidebook, storybook. Forty-five minutes. VHS. Available from American Cancer Society. (800) ACS-2345. Mr. Rogers talks to children and uses characters from the Land of Make Believe to stress the importance of talking about feelings.

Richmond, Christina. Chemo Girl: Saving the World One Treatment at a Time. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1996. Written by a twelve-year-old with rhabdomyosarcoma, this book describes a superhero who shares hope and encouragement.

Schultz, Charles. Why, Charlie Brown, Why? New York: Topper Books, 1990. Tender story of a classmate who develops leukemia. Available as a book or videotape. For video availability, call the Leukemia Society of America, (800) 955-4LSA.


Childife Council. For Teenagers: Visiting the Hospital. 1996. Helps acquaint adolescents with hospital routines and policies, staff, and common medical terms. $2.00. Can order at:

Gravelle, Karen, and Bertram A. John. Teenagers Face to Face with Cancer. New York: Julian Messner, 1986. Seventeen teenagers talk openly about their cancer, including diagnosis, dealing with doctors, chemotherapy, relationships with others, planning for the future, and relapse. A heartfelt, honest, yet comforting book.

Lazar, Linda, and Bonnie Crawford. My Journal: Reflections on Life. Centering Corporation. (402) 553-1200. Journal for teens coping with life-threatening or terminal illness. Includes chapters called "Things Accomplished in My Life," "I've Been Thinking," and "Questions I'd Like Answered."

Richter, Elizabeth. The Teenage Hospital Experience: You Can Handle It. New York: Coward, McCann, and Geohegan, 1982.


American Cancer Society. When Your Brother or Sister Has Cancer. To obtain a free copy, call (800) ACS-2345. This sixteen-page booklet describes the emotions felt by siblings of a child with cancer.

O'Toole, Donna. Aarvy Aardvark Finds Hope: A Read Aloud Story for People of All Ages About Loving and Losing, Friendship and Hope. Compassion Books, 1988. Aarvy Aardvark and his friend Ralphie Rabbit show how a family member or friend can help another in distress.

Peterkin, Allan. What About Me? When Brothers and Sisters Get Sick. Magination Press, 1992. Describes the feelings of siblings whose brother or sister is hospitalized.

Medical Treatment


Baker, Lynn, MD. You and Leukemia: A Day at a Time. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1988 .

Leukemia Society of America. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. Chronic Mylo genous Leukemia. (800) 955-4LSA. Booklets that explain the diseases, symptoms, diagnosis, progno sis, and treatments.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD, and David G. Poplack, MD, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncolog y. Philadelphia: Lippencott-Raven, 1997. Extremely technical.

Coping with procedures

Benson, Herbert, MD. The Relaxation Response. New York: Avon Books, 1990. This is an excellent resource for the relaxation method of pain relief.

Kuttner, Leora, PhD. A Child in Pain: How to Help, What to Do. Point Roberts, Washington: Hartley & Marks, 1996. With warmth and understanding, Dr. Kuttner explains the role and meaning of pain, how to assess pain, and many methods to alleviate it. Excellent, thorough resource.

Kuttner, Leora, PhD. No Fears, No Tears. Videotape. Available through the Canadian Cancer Society: 265 West Tenth Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4J4, Canada. Phone: (604) 872-4400; Documentary of eight young children and their parents as they learn how to manage the pain of cancer treatment. Runs 27 minutes.

Kuttner, Leora, PhD. No Fears, No Tears-13 Years Later. Videotape. To order, fax your request to (604) 294-9986 or send email to: Thirteen years after learning how to manage their painful cancer treatments, seven survivors of childhood cancer make sense of their early traumatic experiences and demonstrate the power of mind-body pain relief. Runs 46 minutes, 42 seconds.

Lewis, Sheldon, and Sheila Lewis. Stress-Proofing Your Child: Mind-Body Exercises to Enhance Your Child's Health. New York: Bantam Books, 1996. This book is highly recommended for all parents. It clearly explains easy ways to teach children techniques such as guided imagery, deep breathing, and meditation to decrease stress, increase a child's sense of control, and boost children's confidence. A wonderful, practical book.

Partnership with medical team

Center for Attitudinal Healing. Advice to Doctors and Other Big People from Kids. Berkeley, California: Celestial Arts, 1991. Book written by children with catastrophic illnesses offers suggestions and expresses feelings about health care workers. Wise and poignant, it reminds us how perceptive and aware children of all ages are, and how absolutely necessary it is to involve them in medical decisions.

Keene, Nancy. Working with Your Doctor: Getting the Healthcare You Deserve. Sebastopol, California: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1998. Book provides practical guidance to help patients take an active role in maintaining health and steps to improve the doctor/patient relationship.

Komp, Diane M., MD. Children Are Images of Grace: A Pediatrician's Trilogy of Faith, Hope, and Love. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996. Written by a Christian pediatric oncologist, this book combines three previous books that describe her feelings for her patients and her warm and loving approach to caring for children with cancer.

Leff, Patricia Taner, and Elanie H. Walizer. Building the Healing Partnership: Parents, Professionals & Children with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities. Brookline, Massachusetts: Brookline Books, 1992. This book uses parents' and caretakers' personal stories to explore the feelings of both families and members of the medical team. Empathetic and practical guide for caring to children with chronic illnesses or disabilities.


Keene, Nancy. Your Child in the Hospital: A Practical Guide for Parents. Sebastopol, California: O'Reilly & Associates, rev. ed. 1999. A pocket guide full of parent stories to help parents prepare their child physically and emotionally for hospitalizations.

Kellerman, Johnathan. Helping the Fearful Child. New York: W.W. Norton, 1981. Although this book was written as a guide for everyday and problem anxieties, it is full of excellent advice for parents of children undergoing traumatic procedures. This book is out of print, but may be available in your local library.

Clinical trials

Finn, Robert. Cancer Clinical Trials: Experimental Treatments and How They Can Help You. Sebastopol, California: O'Reilly & Associates, 1999. Excellent guide that explains the structure, ethics, and types of clinical trials. Also covers how to evaluate a trial and deal with financial issues.

McAllister, Robert M., MD, and Sylvia Horowitz, PhD. Cancer. New York: Basic Books, 1993. This book is divided into three parts: description of cancer, the cancer patient, and the ten most common cancers. Includes an excellent and detailed chapter on all aspects of clinical trials and a good basic description of how cancer cells operate.

National Cancer Institute. What Are Clinical Trials All About? To obtain a free copy, call (800) 4-CANCER. Twenty-two page booklet covers basic information about clinical trials.

The Centerwatch Clinical Trials Listing Service at contains a searchable database of 7,500 current clinical trials in all areas of medicine, including cancer.


Dodd, Marylin J., RN, PhD. Managing the Side Effects of Chemotherapy & Radiation Therapy: A Guide for Patients and Their Families. UCSF Nursing, 1996. This book contains thorough explanations of possible side effects of chemotherapy and radiation and suggestions for managing them.

Leukemia Society of America. Directory of Prescription Drug Patient Assistance Programs. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 955-4LSA. Directory lists companies that provide prescription drugs to eligible patients either free or at minimal cost.

Leukemia Society of America. Understanding Chemotherapy. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 955-4LSA. Thirty-six-page guide includes general information on side effects of chemotherapy and detailed information on drugs used to treat leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.

National Institutes of Health. Chemotherapy & You: A Guide to Self-Help During Treatment. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 4-CANCER. Fifty-six-page booklet includes answers to commonly asked questions about chemotherapy, its side effects, emotions while on chemotherapy, and nutrition.

Physicians' Desk Reference. Oradell, New Jersey: Medical Economics Data, 1996. Reference, issued yearly, lists authoritative information on all FDA-approved drugs. Technical language. Available at the reference desk in most libraries.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD, and David G. Poplack, MD, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippencott-Raven, 1997. Chapter 9, "General Principles of Chemotherapy." Chapter 44, "Management of Nausea and Vomiting." Extremely technical.

USP DI, Volume II, Advice for the Patient: Drug Information in Lay Language. United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., 1995. Contains detailed drug information in nonmedical language. Available in most libraries.


McKay, Judith and Nancee Hirano. The Chemotherapy and Radiation Survival Guide. Oakland, California: New Harbinger, 1998. Basic, understandable guide to chemotherapy and radiation and their side effects.

National Cancer Institute. Radiation Therapy and You: A Guide to Self-help During Treatment. To order a free copy, call (800) 4-CANCER. Fifty-two-page booklet clearly defines radiation, explains what to expect, describes possible side effects, and discusses follow-up care.

O'Connell, Avice, MD, and Norma Leone. Your Child and X-Rays: A Parents' Guide to Radiation, X-Rays, and Other Imaging Procedures. Rochester, New York: Lion Press, 1988. Eighty-nine-page book explains x-ray treatments in easy-to-understand language.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD, and David G. Poplack, MD, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippencott-Raven, 1997. Chapter 11, "General Principles of Radiation Therapy." Extremely technical.


Adams, David, and Eleanor Deveau. Coping with Childhood Cancer: Where Do We Go From Here? Toronto: Kinbridge Publications, rev. ed. 1993. Contains an excellent chapter on relapse, which covers such topics as the impact of relapse, how relapse strikes, feelings, pain, siblings, adjustment to living, the adolescent patient, and some thoughts for single parents. This book is out of print, but may be available in your local library. It can still be ordered from Canadian Candlelighters.

National Cancer Institute. When Cancer Recurs: Meeting the Challenge Again. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 4-CANCER. Booklet describes different types of recurrence, types of treatment, and coping with the return of the cancer.

National Cancer Institute. Advanced Cancer: Living Each Day. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 4-CANCER. Thirty-two page booklet provides practical information to make living with advanced cancer easier.

Bone marrow and stem cell transplantation

Blood and Marrow Transplant Newsletter, (888) 597-7674. This extremely informative and up-to-date newsletter is written and published by a former BMT patient. It is published six times a year, and is available by writing or calling the above number. It is also electronically published on the Internet at It is free, but donations are accepted (and appreciated). Includes articles on medical aspects of BMTs, personal stories, and reviews of books and videos on the topic.

Johnson, F. Leonard, MD, and 31 others. The Candlelighters Guide to Bone Marrow Transplants in Children. Bethesda, Maryland: Candlelighters, 1994. (800) 366-CCCF. Free to families. Straightforward, informative guide designed to educate parents about what a BMT is, types of BMTs, long-term medical effects, financial issues, psychosocial effects, impact on schooling and family life, what happens if the transplant fails, and seven family stories on their experiences.

National Cancer Institute. Bone Marrow Transplantation and Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation. 1994. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 4-CANCER and ask for NIH Pub. No. 95-1178. Excellent 50-page booklet covers the purpose of BMTs, the types of BMTs, complications, long-term effects, financial considerations, psychosocial considerations, the future of BMTs, clinical trials and PDQ, and resources.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD, and David G. Poplack, MD, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippencott-Raven, 1997. Chapter 14, "Bone Marrow Transplantation in Pediatric Oncology." Extremely technical.

Stewart, Susan. Autologous Stem Cell Transplants: A Handbook for Patients. Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network, 2900 Skokie Valley Road, Highland Park, IL 60035, (888) 597-7674 or (847) 433-3313. This is the next generation of Susan Stewart's 1992 Book Bone Marrow Transplants: A Book of Basics for Patients, updating previous information and focusing exclusively on the issues pertinent to autologous transplantation.

Stewart, Susan. Bone Marrow Transplants: A Book of Basics for Patients. Published by the Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network, 2900 Skokie Valley Road, Highland Park, IL 60035, (888) 597-7674 or (847) 433-3313. 170-page book clearly explains all medical aspects of bone marrow transplantation, the different types of transplants, emotional and psychological considerations, pediatric transplants, complications, and insurance issues. Technically accurate, yet easy to read.

Online medical resources

Alternative Medicine Homepage

American Cancer Society

Provides useful information about cancer treatments, news, and research.

Canadian Cancer Society

Provides useful information about cancer and includes a link to its research partner, the National Cancer Institute of Canada.

Phone: (800) 4-CANCER

Subject: none or use a dash if required. Message: help (if you use a signature, suppress it). You will receive a list of available publications and instructions on how to get the information you want. By far the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information about cancer. It is maintained by the US National Cancer Institute. Many of the resources listed in this book are available from the database.

If you would like to be notified by email when CancerNet is updated each month, send email with the word subscribe or subs as the body of the message. CancerNet will then send you a message each month telling you what has been updated. To cancel this service, send email with the word unsubscribe or unsubs as the body of the message.

CancerWEB Online Medical Dictionary

One of the most complete medical dictionaries available on the World Wide Web.


Hypermedia Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cancer Pain

Med Help International

A nonprofit organization that provides medical information written in nontechnical language in order to support patients and their families. The all-volunteer staff is comprised of physicians and other healthcare professionals who are electronically connected.

Medicine Online

Provides patients and professionals with in-depth educational information on specific diseases. Also includes information on reimbursement and a treatment guide.
3-304 Stone Road West, Suite 337
Guelph ON, Canada N1G 4W4
Telephone: (519) 827-9203/(877) 702-6334
Fax : (519) 827-9063

A source of clinical trial information for Canada, including a searchable database of trials recruiting patients.

MedWeb: Oncology

The Multimedia Medical Reference Library


A text and multimedia service available through the Internet. This service was started by E. Loren Buhle, Jr., PhD, the parent of a child with leukemia. Oncolink offers a wide variety of cancer-related information, including articles, handbooks, case studies, writings by patients and their families, and visual images, including a children's art gallery.

Oncolink, Pediatric Leukemia Page

Contains a large amount of information on childhood leukemia, including bone marrow transplantation.



Devoted to delivering useful, up-to-date, and accurate pharmaceutical information to healthcare providers, pharmacists, and patients.

Preventing Central Venous Catheter Infections

Designed to provide useful information to help reduce the risk of central venous catheter infections.


The National Library of Medicine's free search service provides access to nine million citations in MEDLINE and PREMEDLINE (with links to participating online journals), and other related databases. Also includes FAQs, news, and clinical alerts.

Rx List-The Internet Drug Index

TeleSCAN-Telmatics Services in Cancer

The first European Internet service for cancer research, treatment, and education, providing a hypermedia interface to primarily European information resources and services related to cancer.

Bone marrow transplantation

The Anthony Nolen Bone Marrow Trust

A leading research center and the United Kingdom register for potential donors. This site references other international BMT sites.

The BMT Newsletter

All issues of the BMT newsletters are online, as well as the book Bone Marrow Transplants: A Book of Basics for Patients.

Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide

The National Marrow Donor Program

Medical journals

Numerous medical journals are on the World Wide Web. If you do not have access to a medical library, the Web may be your best bet for finding abstracts from technical journals.

American Medical Association Home Page

Allows access to current and past issues of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), as well as other journals published by the AMA.

British Medical Journal

Links to sites of medical interest.

The Multimedia Medical Reference Library

Provides links to many medical journals.

The New England Journal Online

Contains full text of editorials, opinion pieces, and letters, but has only abstracts of most other articles.

Medical institutions

HospitalWeb hospitalweb.shtml/

A list of hospital sites on the Internet.

Emotional support

Babcock, Elise NeeDell. When Life Becomes Precious: A Guide for Loved Ones and Friends of Cancer Patients. New York: Bantam Books, 1997. Written by a counselor with over two decades of experience helping cancer patients, this book is full of practical advice for caregivers of cancer patients. It explains with great warmth how to be supportive, handle special occasions, explain cancer to children, and take care of yourself.

Family Portrait: Coping with Childhood Cancer. Videotape. Twenty-five minutes. VHS. Purchase from: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, P.O. Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543. (800) 257-5126. Videotape of five family portraits covering issues such as guilt, sibling rivalry, divorce, the adopted child, and involvement of other family members in the care of the child. Introduction and closing by Bob Keeshan (Captain Kangaroo).

Leukemia Society of America. Emotional Aspects of Childhood Leukemia. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 955-4LSA. Thirty-four-page booklet covers feelings of parents, ill child, and siblings from diagnosis through end of treatment or death. Includes many parent experiences.

Mr. Rogers Talks with Parents About Childhood Cancer. 1990. Videotapes (2) guidebook, pamphlet. Forty-seven minutes. VHS. Available from American Cancer Society. (800) ACS-2345. The first tape consists of interviews with parents which illustrate ways to deal with emotions during diagnosis and treatment. The second tape sensitively deals with bereavement.

Sourkes, Barbara M., PhD. Armfuls of Time: The Psychological Experience of the Child with a Life-Threatening Illness. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995. Written by a psychologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Children's Hospital in Boston, this eloquent book features the voices and artwork of children with cancer. It clearly describes the psychological effects of cancer on children as well as explains the power of the therapeutic process. Highly recommended.

Support groups

American Psychological Association. Finding Help: How to Choose a Psychologist. To obtain a free brochure, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Finding Help APA Public Affairs Office, 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242. The brochure provides information about psychotherapy, the types of problems that people take into therapy, and how to choose a therapist.

Bogue, Erna-Lynne, ACSW, and Barbara K. Chesney, MPH. Making Contact: A Parent-to-Parent Visitation Manual. Bethesda, Maryland: The Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation, 1987. To obtain, call (800) 366-CCCF. Step-by-step guide on planning and running a parent-to-parent visitation program for parents of children with cancer. Includes guidelines for selection of parent visitors, training to improve parent-visitor contact, developing referral systems, and support resources.

Chesler, Mark A., PhD, and Barbara Chesney. Cancer and Self-Help: Bridging the Troubled Waters of Childhood Illness. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. Written for and about the parents of children with cancer, this book provides explanations of how self-help groups are formed, how they function and recruit, and why they are effective. The authors explain how, through self-help groups, parents improve their coping abilities and become better advocates for their child in an increasingly complex healthcare system.

National Cancer Institute. Taking Time: Support for People with Cancer and the People Who Care About Them. NIH Publication No. 88-2059. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 4-CANCER. Sixty-one-page booklet includes sections on sharing feelings, coping within the family, and when you need assistance.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD, and David G. Poplack, MD. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997. Chapter 47, "Psychiatric and Psychosocial Support for the Child and Family." Chapter 48, "The Other of Side of the Bed: What Caregivers Can Learn from Listening to Patients and Their Families."

Speigel, David, MD. Living Beyond Limits. New York: Random House, 1993. Dr. Speigel devised the landmark study which showed that support groups for women with breast cancer not only lowered rates of depression, but significantly increased their life spans. This book is an excellent guide for coping with cancer, strengthening family relationships, controlling pain, dealing with doctors, and evaluating alternative medicine claims. This book is out of print, but may be available from your local library.

Online support

ACOR, The Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.

ACOR is currently offering 79 information and support electronic groups to patients, caregivers, or anyone looking for answers and support about cancer and related disorders. ACOR hosts several pediatric cancer discussion groups, including PED-ONC (a general pediatric cancer discussion group) and PED-ALL (pediatric leukemia).

ALL_KIDS Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

ALL_KIDS is an unmoderated discussion group for parents, siblings, and friends of children up to age seventeen diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Members discuss clinical trials, chemotherapies, coping, and any issue surrounding the care of a child with ALL. Members also provide support, resources, and their personal experiences.

Sickkids Mailing List

Moderated (with adult supervision) email support group for children under eighteen who have serious illnesses. The children share information, establish friendships, ask questions, and exchange humor. There is a team of children who serve as discussion managers. To subscribe, leave the subject line blank. Message: subscribe SICKKIDS, your first and last name (if you have a signature, delete it). Although adults may not participate in the group, they can email questions or concerns to an adult advisor at:


A resource devoted to parents and children with cancer to facilitate networking. This resource is oriented to the family aspects of childhood cancer. SpeciaLove, Inc. was started in 1983 by Tom and Sheila Baker, who lost their thirteen-year-old daughter to leukemia.

Touchstone Support Network

A nonprofit, nonsectarian, completely volunteer organization that provides emotional and practical support services for children with chronic and life-threatening illnesses. They help seriously ill children and their families cope with the day-to-day stresses of their overwhelming situations to help them maintain as much stability as possible at home, school, work, and in the community.

Commercial online services

Most commercial online services offer a number of health-related topics for which there are support groups, speaker forums, databases, and other services. If you subscribe to America Online, for example, click on the Health channel. You can access MedLine under "Medical Reference." As of March 1999, the following support groups were active:

Sunday, 7 p.m. EST: Living with Cancer: Self Help Group
Sunday, 10 p.m. EST: Parents of Kids with Cancer
Monday, 7 p.m. EST: Kids and Cancer
Monday, 9 p.m. EST: Compassionate Friends
Monday, 10 p.m. EST: Cancer Survivors Mutual Support

Consult the "Help" feature of your service to find what is offered.


Faber, Adele, and Elaine Mazlish. Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too. New York: Avon Books, 1998. Required reading for parents with fighting siblings. Offers dozens of astonishingly simple yet effective methods to reduce conflict and foster a cooperative spirit.

Leukemia Society of America. Emotional Aspects of Childhood Leukemia. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 955-8484. Thirty-two-page booklet deals with the gamut of emotions experienced by all members of the family, including siblings.

Murray, Gloria, and Gerald Jampolsky, eds. Straight from the Siblings: Another Look at the Rainbow. Millbrae, California: Celestial Arts, 1982. Written by sixteen children who have brothers and sisters with a life-threatening illness who met at the Center for Attitudinal Healing. A must read for both parents and siblings. Contains beautiful artwork by the children as well as wise words from the heart about reactions to the news, feelings, facing death, making choices, being part of a group, and thoughts for other siblings in a similar situation.

Feelings, communciation, and behavior

Faber, Adele, and Elaine Mazlish. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen, and Listen So Kids Will Talk. New York: Rawson, Wade Publishers, 1995. The classic book on developing new, more effective ways to communicate with your children, based on respect and understanding. Highly recommended.

Kurcinka, Mary Sheedy. Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive and Energetic. New York: Harper Collins, 1992. Reassuring guide for how to effectively parent children who are more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, energetic, or uncomfortable with change than average children. Many of the strategies are very effective for children stressed by cancer treatment.

National Cancer Institute. Talking with Your Child About Cancer. (800) 4-CANCER. Excellent sixteen-page booklet on talking with your child about diagnosis. Full of helpful hints on how to answer many commonly asked questions.

Nelsen, Jane. Positive Discipline. New York: Ballantine Books, rev. ed. 1996. Written by a psychologist, educator, and mother of seven, this book teaches parents how to promote self-discipline and personal responsibility.

Practical support


Leeland, Jeff. One Small Sparrow: The Remarkable Real-Life Drama of One Community's Compassionate Response to a Little Boy's Life. Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Books, 1995. Written by the father of a baby with leukemia, this heartwarming true story describes how a community raised the entire cost of a successful bone marrow transplant. Contains numerous ideas for methods to raise funds. Christian perspective.

Peterson, Sheila. A Special Way to Care. 1988. Available from: Friends of Karen, Box 217, Croton Falls, NY. 10519. Free guide for those who wish to provide financial/emotional support for families of ill children. Discusses how to differentiate between interference and advocacy. Explains how to organize, manage, and perpetuate a support fund. Excellent resource.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD, and David G. Poplack, MD, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997. Chapter 53, "Financial Issues in Pediatric Cancer."


Bohannon, Richard, and others. Food for Life: The Cancer Prevention Cookbook. Contemporary Books, 1998. Written by an oncologist, a chef, and a writer, this book follows American Cancer Society guidelines. Contains many tasty recipes.

National Cancer Institute. Managing Your Child's Eating Problems During Cancer Treatment. To obtain, call (800) 4-CANCER. Thirty-two-page booklet which covers how cancer treatments affect eating, how to cope with side effects, and how to serve more protein and calories.

National Cancer Institute. Eating Hints for Cancer Patients. To obtain, call (800) 4-CANCER. Ninety-six-page booklet covers eating well during cancer treatment, managing eating problems, special diets, family resources, and recipes.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD, and David G. Poplack, MD, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997. Chapter 42, "Nutritional Supportive Care."

Wilson, J. Randy. Non-Chew Cookbook. Wilson Publishing, Inc., 1986. P.O. Box 2190, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602. (303) 945-5600. Contains recipes for patients unable to chew due to the side effects of chemotherapy and/or radiation.


American Cancer Society. Back to School: A Handbook for Parents of Children with Cancer. To obtain a free copy, call (800) ACS-1234. Sixteen-page introductory booklet covers school reentry, classroom presentations, the importance of advocates, legal issues, IEPs, and special needs.

Anderson, Winifred, Stephen Chitwood, and Deidre Hayden. Negotiating the Special Education Maze: A Guide for Parents and Teachers. Bethesda, Maryland: Woodbine House, 3rd ed. 1997. Excellent, well-organized text which clearly explains the step-by-step process necessary to obtain help for your child. Has up-to-date resource list and a comprehensive bibliography. Essential reading for parents of children with special educational needs. If you only read one book, this should be the one.

Deasy-Spinetta, Patricia, and Elisabeth Irvin. Educating the Child with Cancer. Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation. Single copies free to families of children with cancer, all others $7.50 per copy. Call (800) 366-CCCF for an order form. This 137-page book discusses all aspects of educating the child with cancer including educational issues, peer relationships, school reentry, liaison programs, classroom presentations, cognitive late effects, preparing for college, college alternatives, legal aspects, and siblings. Includes a bibliography.

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation Canada. School Reentry Resource Manual. 1992. Write to: CCCFC, 10 Alcorn Ave., Suite 200, Toronto, Ontario M4V 3B1, Canada or call (416) 489-6440. Sections for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals regarding siblings, adolescence, survivor's quality of life, programs, bereavement, and grief.

Chai Lifeline. Back to School: A Handbook for Educators of Children with Life-threatening Diseases in the Yeshiva/Day School System. 1995. Write to: 48 West 25th St. New York, NY 10010 or call (212) 465-1300. Covers diagnosis, planning for school reentry, infection control in schools, needs of junior and senior high school students, children with special educational needs, and saying good-bye when a child dies. Includes a bibliography and resource list.

Gliko-Braden, Majel. Grief Comes to Class: A Teacher's Guide. Centering Corporation, 1531 N. Saddle Creek Rd., Omaha, NE 68104. (402) 553-1200. Comprehensive guide to grief in the classroom. Includes chapters on grief responses, the bereaved student, teen grief, developmental changes, sample letter to parents, sample teacher/parent conference, and suggestions for dos and don'ts.

Hairballs on my Pillow. CARTI. P.O. Box 55050, Little Rock, AR 72215. (800) 482-8561 or (501) 664-8573. Videotape interviews children with cancer and their friends about friendship and returning to school. $35 for video and newsletters for students, exercises and activities for students, and a teacher's notebook of information about cancer, its treatment, and dealing with returning students.

Levine, Mel, MD. All Kinds of Minds. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Educator's Publishing Service, Inc., 1993. Highly readable book about different learning styles. Written for grade-school-aged children, but parents benefit from reading it, too.

Levine, Mel, MD. Keeping a Head in School: A Student's Book About Learning Abilities and Learning Disorders. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Educator's Publishing Service, Inc., 1991. Book about different learning styles for junior high and high school students.

Peterson's Guides. Peterson's Guides to Colleges with Programs for Learning Disabled Students or Attention Deficit Disorders. Princeton, NJ: Peterson's Guides, 5th ed. 1997. Excellent reference, available at most large libraries.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD. and David G. Poplack, MD, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997. Chapter 51, "Educational Issues for Children with Cancer."

Silver, Larry, MD. The Misunderstood Child: Understanding and Coping with Your Child's Learning Disabilities. Times Books, 3rd ed. 1998. Comprehensive discussion of positive treatment strategies that can be implemented at home and in the school to help children with learning disabilities. Excellent chapters on psychological, social, and emotional development, evaluation, and treatment.

The Compassionate Friends. Suggestions for Teachers and School Counselors. P.O. Box 3696, Oak Brook, IL 60522. (630) 990-0010.

Practical support online

Air Care Alliance

A nationwide association of humanitarian pilots who help needy patients travel to facilities for necessary treatment.

Patient Advocacy Numbers

Federal agencies

Food and Drug Administration

For information on specific drugs, telnet to and login as "bbs."

National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a Children's Health Resources branch that maintains publications on children's health topics, information on hotlines, and links to Internet resources.

Americans with Disabilities Act information
available on electronic bulletin boards

The following are telephone numbers of electronic bulletin boards from which ADA documents can be downloaded if you have a computer with a modem.

US Department of Justice (202) 514-6193
Disability Law Foundation (205) 854-9074
Compuserve Disability Forum: Call (800) 635-6225 for your local access number.
GEnie Disability Round Table: Call (800) 638-9636 (GEnie subscribers only) for your local access number.
Project Enable: (304) 755-7842
Washington State access to self-help: (206) 767-7681

After treatment ends

Hoffman, Barbara, JD, eds. A Cancer Survivor's Almanac: Charting Your Journey. National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, 1998. Comprehensive guide to the issues of cancer survivorship. Includes sections on dealing with doctors and hospitals; the mind/body relationship; support services; peer support; employment, insurance, and money matters; dealing with the family; appendix on survivor resources.

Harpham, Wendy Schlessel. After Cancer: A Guide to Your New Life. HarperPerrennial, 1995. Written in a question and answer format, doctor/cancer survivor Harpham addresses the medical, psychological, and practical issues of recovery.

Keene, Nancy, Wendy Hobbie, and Kathy Ruccione. Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Guide to the Future. Sebastopol, California: O'Reilly & Associates, 2000. A user-friendly, comprehensive guide on late effects of treatment for childhood cancer. This book, full of stories from survivors of all types of childhood cancer, also covers emotional issues, insurance, jobs, relationships, and ways to stay healthy.

Leukemia Society of America. Coping with Survival. To obtain a free copy, call (800) 955-4LSA. Thirty-two-page booklet includes information on diagnosis, communicating with physicians, treatment, life after treatment, and services and support.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD, and David G. Poplack MD, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997. Chapter 50, "Late Effects of Childhood Cancer and Its Treatment." Chapter 54, "Pediatric Cancer: Advocacy, Legal, Insurance, and Employment Issues." Chapter 57, "Preventing Cancer in Adulthood: Advice for the Pediatrician."

Terminal illness and bereavement

Callanan, Maggie, and Patricia Kelley. Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying. New York: Bantam Books, 1997. Written by two hospice nurses with decades of experience, this book helps families understand and communicate with terminally ill patients. Compassionate, comforting, and insightful, Final Gifts movingly teaches us how to listen to and comfort the dying. Highly recommended.

Modlow, D. Gay, and Ida M. Martinson. Home Care for the Seriously Ill Child: A Manual for Parents. 1991. $7.95 from Children's Hospice International (703) 684-0330. Helps parents explore the possibility of home care for the dying child. It contains practical information on what to expect, methods for pain relief, and control of medical problems. There are appendices on medications, bibliographies, and dos and don'ts for helping bereaved parents.

Pizzo, Philip A., MD, and David G. Poplack, MD, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997. Chapter 52, "Care of the Dying Child."

Parental grief

Bereavement: A Magazine of Hope and Healing. Founded in 1987 by a bereaved mother to provide support for those grieving, it allows direct feedback from the bereaved to helping professionals, and helps the nonbereaved learn what helps and what hurts. For a free copy or to subscribe, write or call: Bereavement Publishing, Inc., 8133 Telegraph Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. (719) 282-1948.

Bernstein, Judith R. When the Bough Breaks Forever: After the Death of a Son or Daughter. Kansas City, Missouri: Andrews & McMeel, 1997.

Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth, MD. On Children and Death. New York: Macmillan, 1983. In this comforting book, Dr. Kubler-Ross offers practical help in living through the terminal period of a child's life with love and understanding. She discusses children's knowledge about death, visualization, letting go, funerals, help from friends, and spirituality.

Morse, Melvin, MD. Closer to the Light: Learning from Near Death Experiences of Children. New York: Villard Books, 1990. Dr. Morse, a pediatrician and researcher into children's near-death experiences, writes about the startlingly similar spiritual experiences of children who almost die.

Rando, Therese, PhD, ed. Parental Loss of a Child. Champaign, Illinois: Research Press, 1986. Thirty-seven articles cover death from serious illness; guilt; grief of fathers, mothers, siblings, single parents; professional help; advice to physicians, clergy, funeral directors; support organizations.

Wild, Laynee. I Remember You: A Grief Journal. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1994. A journal for written and photographic memories during the first year of mourning. Beautiful book filled with quotes and comfort.

Sibling grief (adult reading)

Doka, Kenneth, ed. Children Mourning, Mourning Children. Hemisphere Publications, 1995. A collection of chapters (first presented at the Hospice Foundation of America conference) written by many healthcare professionals who work with grieving children. Topics include children's understanding of death, answering grieving children's questions, the role of the schools, and many others. To obtain, write: Taylor and Francis, 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007. $14.95 plus $2.50 for shipping and handling.

Grollman, Earl. Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child. Boston: Beacon Press, 1990. One of the best books for helping children cope with grief. It contains a children's read-along section to explain and explore children's feelings. In very comforting language, this book teaches parents how to explain death, understand children's emotions, understand how children react to specific types of death, and know when to seek professional help. It also contains a resource section.

Schaefer, Dan, and Christine Lyons. How Do We Tell the Children?: A Step-by-Step Guide for Helping Children Two to Teen Cope When Someone Dies. New York: Newmarket Press, updated ed. 1993. If your terminally ill child has siblings, read this book. In straightforward, uncomplicated language, the authors describe how to explain the facts of death to children and teens and show how to include the children in the family support network, laying the foundation for the healing process to begin. Also includes a crisis section, for quick reference on what to do in a variety of situations.

Sibling grief (young child reading)

Buscaglia, Leo. The Fall of Freddy the Leaf: A Story of Life for All Ages. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982. This wise yet simple story about a leaf named Freddy explains death as a necessary part of the cycle of life. This book is out of print, but may be available in your local library.

Hickman, Martha. Last Week My Brother Anthony Died. Abingdon, Tennessee: 1984. Touching story of a preschooler's feelings when her infant brother dies. The family's minister (a bereaved parent himself) comforts her by comparing feelings to clouds-always there but ever changing.

Mellonie, Bryan, and Robert Ingpen. Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children. New York: Bantam Books, 1983. Beautiful paintings and simple text explain that dying is as much a part of life as being born.

Sibling grief (school-aged children)

Houston, Gloria. My Brother Joey Died. New York: J. Messner, 1982. Simple, caring book describes one child's journey through grief after the death of her sibling. Describes the sister's feelings about the funeral, the changed family, her parents' grief, her grandparents' role, and the comfort of a support group.

Temes, Roberta, PhD. The Empty Place: A Child's Guide Through Grief. Far Hills, New Jersey: New Horizon Press, 1992. To order, call (402) 553-1200. Explains and describes feelings after the death of a sibling, such as the empty place in the house, at the table, in a brother's heart.

White, E.B. Charlotte's Web. New York: Harper, 1952. Classic tale of friendship and death as a part of life. (The videotape is widely available to rent.)

Sibling grief (teenagers)

Gravelle, Karen, and Charles Haskins. Teenagers Face to Face with Bereavement. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: J. Messner, 1989. The perspectives and experiences of seventeen teenagers comprise the heart of this book, which focuses on teens coping with grief.

Grollman, Earl. Straight Talk About Death for Teenagers: How to Cope with Losing Someone You Love. Boston: Beacon Press, 1993. Wonderful book that talks to teens, not at them. Discusses denial, pain, anger, sadness, physical symptoms, and depression, as well as charts methods to help teens actively work through their feelings at their own pace.


Drying Their Tears. Produced by CARTI, Communication Division, Markham University, P.O. Box 55050, Little Rock, AR 72215. For information, call (800) 482-8561 or (501) 660-7614. Ask for Mary Machen. Video and manual to help counselors, teachers, and other professionals help children deal with the grief, fear, confusion, and anger that occur after the death of a loved one. There are three segments: training facilitators, a section for children aged five to eight, and one for ages nine to teens. Each includes interviews with children and video from children's workshops.

Mr. Rogers Talks with Parents About Childhood Cancer. Videotapes (2), guidebook, pamphlet. Forty-seven minutes. VHS. Available from the American Cancer Society. (800) ACS-2345. The first tape consists of interviews with parents about ways to deal with emotions during diagnosis and treatment. The second tape includes sensitive interviews with three bereaved parents.

The Healing Path. The Compassionate Friends sibling video addresses concerns of surviving siblings, such as sadness, pain, anger, and fear. The video explores eight topics: facing the reality of death, who will listen, changed family life, special days, visiting the cemetery, parental overprotection, feelings and expectations, and looking to the future. For information, call (630) 990-0010 or fax (630) 990-0246.